EDU 522: Digital Teaching and Learning Too

Summer BootCamp

Course Overview

Welcome to EDU 522: Digital Teaching and Learning II. In this course we build on better practicves in remote learning as we engage in the process of open pedagogy.

Instructor: Dr. J. Gregogy McVerry

Office Hours

  • Monday: 9:00-15:00
  • Tuesday: 11:00-15:00
  • Wednesday 11:00-15:00
  • Thursday 11:00-15:00
  • Friday: 9:00-15:00
  • Evening and Weekend hours by appointment

To book an appointment send me a notification on Microsoft Teams

Course Objectives

Objective One:

Own Your Data. Shape Your Identity. Contribute to the Community.

Objective Two:

Build Stuff and Make Things

Objective Three:

Reflect on What You Build and Make

Objective Four:

Teach Other to Build and Make

Objective Five:

Design Learning Activites for Others to Use

Objective Six:

Be Creative while Staying Truthful to Style and Self

Class Workflow

Our Learning Space

I have always taken issue with learning management systems. Mainly because management and systems make up the bulk of education that often gets in the way of learning. Yet we know predictable easy design lowers student anxiety and ensures success.

In this class, like all my classes, we try to recreate agentive apprenticeships found in network learning space. I do this by including three elements: A Stream, a library, and personal journal where you decide what is public or private

The Stream- Microsoft Teams

This is our classroom, scratch that, our coffee shop where we gather to talk about each other's art and writing. Do not make the comparison to Blackboard. Yes there are assignement but these are cogntive stop points not grades. Grades have nothing to do with feedback.

The class is set up into weekly modules. Each module has its own channel. Each channel also links to the web page for that module. You can find links to the readings in either the assignment or the web pages.

To submit an assignment you just link to either your private journal which is a file in Office 365 or a blog post.

The Class Website

The class wesbite" acts like our library. You go here to check out a book.You will find links to all the readings and descriptions of every assignment.

Each module also lists the criteria and possible evidence you can use to demonstrate you met the objective.Starting the second week of class you will also apply for a badge explaining how your artifacts demonstrate knowledge growth on the modules objectives or your personal subjectives.

You will send a reply to the module page and then if your artifacts does indicate growth a badge will be issued and displayed on your personal website or added to your journal entry

Personal Journals

All of your work will be done in a personal journal. You never have to share your work publicly or with other students. You can choose to either use your own blog, ask Dr. McVerry for a blog, or use files in Microsoft Teams

If you are journaling in Microsoft Teams you are using Microsoft Word. Teams is connected to your Office 365 account. In each channel there is a plus symbol in the top menu.

Module Workflow

Every module is broken into a read, write, and participate activity.


Each module has a number of articles, blog posts, podcasts, or videos for you to read. Each module also gives you a purpose as you read to ensure you elicit and store the knowledge necessary to demonstrate learning gains.

These reading tasks also try to model how you need to set active reading with and for your students. We need to model and reflect on our own external memory systems (notes) and let our students see us learn as we struggle with complex multiple source reading.


Each module you will publish two blog posts or journal entries. The first is connected to the module. You are expected to use evidence from the readings to back up your claims. You should connect to personal experiences or share reflections that may embrace ambiguity.

The second post is your choice but prompts are provided if contrainsts help your creativity.


Each module also includes a participation task. This will require to synthesize and use information from the readings and your writing. You will usually submit your task as a blog post or journal entry but we will also create some shared documents.

Final Projects

Pick An Option Below

Design a Passion Project Course

Take a content class you teach and figure out a way to weave the knowledge and skills you want students to master and rethink the course in a way it is driven by a project chosen based on individual student passion.

The Writerly Life

Set goals, track progress, share and reflect on your writing process

Designing k12 Remote Learning

Create three learning units in your LMS. Teach one to the clas


  • Week One: Post your subjective: What pathway did you choose
  • Week Two: Curate learning material: bookmark a bunch of resources and share with the class. Why did you choose these?
  • Week Three: Choose a learning theory to guide your work. Explain the connections
  • Week Four: Create teacher and student facing materials to teach some element of yoru project. This must incliude a screencast
  • Week Five: Look for other communities and networks or host a network events. Choice is yours. Never one to determine how folks have to interact with strangers. You can lurk and learn or lead and learn. Both valuable

All projects must include

  • Navigable website, LMS or document folder
  • A post every two weeks reflecting on your progress
  • A screencase recording
  • A learnign activity with lesson plans and materials for students
  • Love, whimsy, your personaliity, a little magic, or any criteria of uniqueness

Assignment Schedule

Week Zero Due: 2020-07-14

Choose a technology stack and a a personal project

Week One: Who Am I? Due 2020-07-21:


Complete the readings.

Find tweetable quotes and share them. Hint...use the quote post-kind


Post on Your Blog

Think the unthinkable. Share your version for the future of digital teaching and Learning.

Anything you like. If you like prompts:

  • You got sucked into a video game what happens?
  • Who are the four people dead or alive you invite to dinner
  • Do you work on creative projects with friends outside of school? How do you learn together?


Share Your Subjectives

Using unplugged technology create an image, infographic, video, collage, clay scuplture, etc of your goals for this class share from your blog.

Week Three: Community of Inquiry Due 2020-07-28


Complete the readings.

As you read think about the three elements of Community of Inquiry. Maybe make a three column chart, record important notes or tips

Share these notes...Hint figure out some way to annotate. or Sketch notes those are cool...or note notes, we like those two. Just read with a purpose, and choose some external storage device


Post on Your Blog or Journal: Choose One

  • Describe how you plan to use the COI model
  • Reflect on a time eleemnts of COI went well or bad in a classroom
  • Write a short story about COI going well or bad in a fictional class

Post on Your Blog or Journal: Anything you want...If you like prompts choose one:

  • How do you feel when someone pushes you to do your best?
  • Who is your favorite musician of all time? What is it about the sound?
  • What do you need in life to be truluy happy


Community of Inquiry

Create a poster, video, or website (no powerpoints...sick of them..unless you do something cool like a choose your own adventure or jeapordy game) about COI for the colleagues you work with. Identify pedogical techniques teachers can use in their classrooms.

Week Four: Open Pedagogy Due: 2020-08-04


Complete the readings.

As you read make a Venn Diagram comparing positions taken in the three readings. Share your Venn Diagram


Post on Your Blog

Define Pedagogy. Define Open. Define Open Pedagogy. If it ain't a good fit for you say so.


Quote Remix

Find a quote about the benefits of open pedagogyy long before the web ever was. Then connect with somebody in the Open Pedagogy community, Get a quote from them. Remix the quotes together into something cool.

Week Five: Remote Learning Due 2020-08-12


Complete the readings.

Take t-chart notes, on one side capture the main idea, and on the other side add a reflection from either a pro or negative perspective to remote learning


Post on Your Blog

What can we do to recenter online discussions in the voices of our students?

Free choice, if you like a prompt:

  • What makes you angry, why?
  • Why is argumentation considered the highest form of discourse


Lead a Discussion

Choose a short reading or video about your portfolio project. Lead a discussion

Write Feedback

Create your rubric or checklist for effective discussions Given a sample of student discussion post write feedback to three students using the Claim, Connect, Action approach.

Objective Six:

Be Creative while Staying Truthful to Style and Self