EDU 522: Digital Teaching and Learning Too

Summer Bootcamp 2020

J. Gregory McVerry

Pick An Option Below

Design a Passion Project Course

Take a content class you teach and figure out a way to weave the knowledge and skills you want students to master and rethink the course in a way it is driven by a project chosen based on individual student passion.

The Writerly Life

Set goals, track progress, share and reflect on your writing process

Designing k12 Remote Learning

Create three learning units in your LMS. Teach one to the clas


  • Week One: Post your subjective: What pathway did you choose
  • Week Two: Curate learning material: bookmark a bunch of resources and share with the class. Why did you choose these?
  • Week Three: Choose a learning theory to guide your work. Explain the connections
  • Week Four: Create teacher and student facing materials to teach some element of yoru project. This must incliude a screencast
  • Week Five: Look for other communities and networks or host a network events. Choice is yours. Never one to determine how folks have to interact with strangers. You can lurk and learn or lead and learn. Both valuable

All projects must include

  • Navigable website, LMS or document folder
  • A post every two weeks reflecting on your progress
  • A screencase recording
  • A learnign activity with lesson plans and materials for students
  • Love, whimsy, your personaliity, a little magic, or any criteria of uniqueness